Filter Friday!...On a Wednesday


The Hour of Code
The hour of code is a global movement that is about reaching students around the world and introducing them to computer science.The purpose of this is to increase the number of computer science graduates to fulfill the growing number of computer science jobs in this 21st generation. 

1. What was the best part about participating in the Hour of Code? 
-The best part was coding itself. It was a fun experience and I hope to do it again in the future.

2.What skills did you practice today and what did you think would be useful in other subjects?
-Coding really helps your creativity and thinking skills. I think that if I head toward computer science in the future, I will be thanking this experience.

3. What is the best way to practice these skills?
-Coding on a daily basis will definitely help improve these specific skills. It is something that I would do if I had the time.

4. Why are these skills important?
-Thinking skills, problem solving, and basic logic are things that come useful in everyday life. And as for creativity, it is useful for projects in every subject.

5. What was the most difficult thing you did today?
-The most difficult thing was getting comfortable and used to coding. It was a new experience for me as well as many others so I doubt I was the only one with this problem.

6.Why did you find it hard?
-It was my first time coding. Before, I rarely thought about the idea but now I really enjoy it. 

7. Who/what supported your learning?
-My teacher was the one who brought the whole thing to the surface in the first place. And she was supportive throughout the whole process.

8. If you were to advise someone else who had a similar issue, what would you give them?
-If it is also your first time coding, don't be afraid. These tutorials are the most efficient way to start coding.

9. How did you feel about coding before coming to class today?
-I wasn't necessarily excited for coding itself, but I was excited to try something new. 

10. How did our feelings change after completing the Hour of Code? What influenced this change?
- After completing the Hour of Code, I actually enjoyed the experience. I was intrigued by this new subject to learn.

11. Are there any other tutorials you recommend?
-Not in particular. They are all useful and helpful in their own way but it that really depends on preference.

12. On a scale of fist to five, how interested are you in continuing to learn how to code?
- Probably a three. I'm not that interested in coding but after this experience, it boosted my interest level.

Besides this Hour of Code, Period 3 English Honors 7 class of Mrs. Bryson will also be participating in Filter Friday but since it is a Thursday, we shall name it Filter Friday...On a Wednesday!
Happy Filter Friday...On a Wednesday!


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